Elective PCI Registry

Elective PCI – A separate but related initiative

State of Michigan Certificate of Need Commission mandated quality oversight by BMC2 for hospitals approved to offer elective PCI without surgical backup


The Michigan Certificate of Need Review Standards for Cardiac Catheterization Services require all elective PCI sites without on-site open heart surgery capabilities in Michigan to enter all PCI cases into the BMC2 Registry, and BMC2 is required to audit a sample of cases annually.

Sec. 13. (1) An applicant shall agree that, if approved, the project shall be delivered in compliance with the following terms of CON approval:

(3) The applicant shall participate in a data registry, administered by the Department or its designee. The Department or its designee shall require that the applicant submit data on all consecutive cases of PCI as is necessary to comprehensively assess and provide comparative analyses of case selection, processes and outcome of care, and trend in efficiency. The applicant shall provide the required data in a format established by the Department or its designee. The applicant shall be liable for the cost of data submission and on-site reviews in order for the Department to verify and monitor volumes and assure quality.

  • Fourteen sites across Michigan
  • Sites receive data reports quarterly
  • Site representatives attend BMC2 Consortium Meetings