Data Quality
Ensuring data quality
- A select sample of all patient records submitted to BMC2 by participating sites are reviewed by data monitors during site visits to ensure definitions are understood and all data is being thoroughly and accurately abstracted/ case logs are reviewed for 100% case capture
- This is not a “data cleaning” exercise – this is monitoring for quality assurance
- All data entered for select outcomes are checked against the patient medical record
- At least 10 cases per quarter cases are fully reviewed against the patient chart
- Errors are scored as “tier 1” (key quality indicators), or “tier 2” (all other data)
- Sites receive a score for each tier (exceeds, meets, does not meet) and a letter listing what was reviewed, scores and any systematic errors and need for improvement
- Most sites are visited multiple times per year
- Data monitors are RNs with Cath Lab and/or operating room experience working full time with BMC2
Additional ways that BMC2 ensures quality
- All new data abstractors attend fact-to-face day-long training
- The Coordinating Center hosts occasional conference calls with data abstractors to answer questions and to discuss data abstraction issues
- The BMC2 website has an electronic means of submitting questions
- Submitted questions are assigned to appropriate staff and monitored for timely answers
- The Coordinating Center also hosts day-long face-to-face coordinator /data abstractor meetings twice per year